Bryan, I'm not sure why you are being so antongonistic when
I was merely trying to arm you with this knowledge. I did not
wish to start an argument. (neither did we want to or even consider this
an argument)
They were fined by the Attorney General's office of the state
of New York. I'm not sure why you would not think that New
York would not have any jurisdiction. (Hmm the point of my question as I always thought that states only had jurisdiction
in their own state I would like more information about this.) Obviously,
things work different in the states than they do in Canada. (we are
not in Canada)
I will think carefully before I send you any more
information. (? Why? It was just a question! If he is too busy to be
bothered with questions all he had to do was say so! I can understand that.)
Best regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: consaka(at)
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 5:48 PM
To: Mike/Safety Technology
Subject: Re: Illinois Stun Gun Law
Ok but who fined the website in Florida? NewYork has no
jurisdiction to fine
Bryan Fullerton
Black Ridge Security
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike/Safety Technology" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 8:53 AM
Subject: RE: Illinois Stun Gun Law
> Bryan, you need to get away from the idea of where a
> is located. You can be located in New York, and still
> stun
> guns. (Now this is the kind of information i like though I would verify it with the
authorities since the legal reading I read once I thought said something to the affect "it is
illegal to sell or a use a stun gun in the state of (cant remember the state))You
just don't ship to anyone in New York.
> Just understand it has nothing to do with where you are
> located, but where the stun gun is sent. (this is cool and all but I am not a child. I want to see where the law says
> An example for the New York sting is they ordered from a
> distributor who had a website and was located in Florida. The
> distributor in Florida sent the stun gun to New York. It ended up costing them
$18,000.00 in fines and costs.
(I have seen nothing since as far as I know he could have made this info up. Again
where is the source? I like to read the paper too why keep it a secret? all I want is the
source of this information)
> As you can see, it had nothing to do with where the
> was located,
> but the state the stun gun was sent.
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []
> Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 11:46 AM
> To: Mike/Safety Technology
> Subject: Re: Illinois Stun Gun Law
> Yes I know they are not legal in Canada.
> Whats bugging me is how state laws interpret where an
> internet site is doing
> business.
> Perhaps you could point me to information about the NewYork
> sting you mentioned. (Here I asked for his source and I am still not sure if it exists as he beats around
the bush later and never does tell me)
> Sincerely,
> Bryan Fullerton
> Black Ridge Security
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mike/Safety Technology" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 3:02 PM
> Subject: RE: Illinois Stun Gun Law
>> It has nothing to do with where you are located. It has
> to
>> do
>> with where the stun gun is being sent. You can't send
> stun
>> guns
>> to states where they are not legal.
>> For your information, stun guns and tasers are not legal
> in
>> Canada. (Duh! Hmm I don't recall asking for verification on this. I been selling these
things for quite some time. Sounds like an attempt to belittle me and what I do know. Its the
interstate workings I want information on)
>> Mike
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> []
>> Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 4:05 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Illinois Stun Gun Law
>> Mike,
>> Ok how does that work? You are in Florida and I am in
>> Washington.
>> Neither one of us is in Illinois nor do either of us have a
>> business license in Illinois. If someone from Illinois comes to us and
buys a stun gun would not that be considered the same as if they came to our state? Or would it be
based off of where the website is hosted? For instance mine are hosted in Canada where both items
are illegal. (see I even stated right here that these were illegal in Canada) I think
I could easily get confused with this. Is there a law that defines where an internet business
>> considered located? (I consider these list of questions very plain. I state what I know and what I don't
know and for the most part they were both ignored. Perhaps if I had of assumed a
comprehension problem I could have avoided wasting my time.)
>> Sincerely,
>> Bryan Fullerton
>> Black Ridge Security
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 5:28 AM
>> Subject: Illinois Stun Gun Law
>>> Bryan, there is a new Illinois law in effect that basically
>>> makes it illegal to sell Tasers or stun guns in Illinois.
>>> I have no doubt that the Attorney Generals office of
>> Illinois
>>> will be doing some sting operations like New York did.
>> They
>>> will order stun guns from web sites trying to get stun
>> guns sent
>>> to Illinois. So be careful. If we receive an order for
> a
>> Taser or stun guns to be drop shipped to Illinois, we won't
> send
>> it.
>>> The new law is below. (Where is the source?)
>>> 1. In order to possess a Taser or stun gun, an individual must have a valid FOID card,
as is currently required for firearms.
>>> 2. Sellers of Taser or stun guns must check the buyers
>> FOID card and keep the record of sale for ten years, the same
>> requirements for firearms sales.
>>> 3. When a licensed firearms dealer sells a Taser or stun
>> gun, they must request a background check of the buyer.
>>> 4. The 24-hour waiting period required for long guns,
>> shotguns,
>>> and rifles, will also apply to taser and stun gun
>> purchases.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Mike Gravette
>>> ***********************************************
>>> Safety Technology
>>> 1867 Caravan Trail #105, Jacksonville, FL 32216
>>> (800) 477-1739 (904) 720-2188 FAX (904) 720-0651
>>> "Wholesaler of Security and Self-Defense Products"
>>> ************************************************